by Enoch Starnes 0
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Now you can call each other snobs/plebeians in real time!

Crossplay And A New Expansion Coming To Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons has had a pretty active update schedule since its summer release, which honestly makes a good deal of sense.  Loot-em-ups tends to live and die based on how well their developer can sustain a constant influx of new content, so Mojang's flurry of free and paid post-release expansions should help them establish a nice, solid player base.

by Eric Murphy 0
Kids need us now more than ever

Join Extra Life and Help Covid-19 Relief

Every year I invite Co-Optimus staff and readers to pitch in and help kids through Extra Life. The charity benefits Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, and brings in millions each year. It's a fun way for gamers to unite and do good in the world. This year, with the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the US, our children's hospitals need even more support. Here's your opportunity to pitch in and help.

by Tally Callahan 0
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PC players get enormous new DLC installment for L4D2.

Left 4 Dead 2 Releases Free Community-created DLC

Last week, Valve released a hefty piece of DLC for zombie-killing co-op classic, Left 4 Dead 2. Titled "The Last Stand," it packs a punch with 26 new survival arenas, 4 new scavenge areas, and a full-blown campaign based around The Lighthouse survival map. On top of that, there's new melee weapons (from Counter-strike: Source), new/reworked animations, PVP updates, and 30 additional achievements.

by Matthew Squaire 0
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Batman Is Dead, Now What?

Gotham Knights Coming Next Year With Co-Op

If you have been waiting for more Batman-universe video games since 2015’s Batman: Arkham Knight, the upcoming Gotham Knights could be just what the doctor (specifically Dr. Thomas Elliot) ordered. In the upcoming game from WB Montreal, we find the caped crusader has died. Now, with a new threat emerging in Gotham, players will be able to play as members of  the Bat-family - Batgirl, Nightwing, Robin and Redhood - in order to stop the mysterious evil. This will be the first non-Lego DC game to feature 2-player co-op when it releases on the PC, Xbox One, the upcoming Xbox Series’, Playstation 4, and Playstation 5 sometime in 2021.

by Enoch Starnes 0
Checking in with your friendly weekend superheroes.

Our Weekend In Gaming: Marvelous

Based on some early intel, it looks like the Co-Opticrew will be dusting off their capes and spandex for the weekend.  It's been a while since we've felt powerful enough to stop... well, anything that's happening in the world right now, so maybe some time pretending we have superpowers will help.  On the other hand, there's a surprising amount of pirate-themed action going on over the next few days as well, so maybe we're just looking for a way to feel pure, unbridled freedom.  Might there be some social commentary buried deep within our choices?  Probably, but that seems a little above my pay grade.

by Enoch Starnes 0
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Try saying that five times fast.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition Out This Holiday Season

Given the isolated state the world has found itself in, there's been a lot of time to ponder things in 2020.  Should you go back to college and get that degree you've always wanted?  How many loaves of bread can one household eat in two weeks?  And, most importantly, could you beat up all of your partner's exes?

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